Mind Your Back
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Love your back


Long covid is a real thing, affecting many people in the UK, but a lesser known issue that has been borne out of the pandemic is the ‘Covid Back’.

According to a new national survey* and report, 64% of 18–29-year-olds now have back problems. The data was commissioned by www.mindyourbackuk.com and it seems that longer working hours borne out of the pandemic, together with poor hybrid working posture have led to an explosion in back problems amongst younger working adults.

Which of these would you say you are?


You are comfier on the sofa than sat at a table and often find yourself craning over a small screen. Hours can pass as you slide further down the sofa and although you might feel zen, your back is crying out for a posture reset.

Top tip: Place a cushion under your bottom and behind your back to correct your posture


You are trying to recreate the office environment: a desk, a chair and you’re (hopefully) sat upright. However, it can be tricky to avoid hunching over a laptop screen unless you’re set up with a big at-eye-level monitor. Tense shoulders and posture that slumps as the day goes on can wreak havoc with your poor back.

Top tip: Make sure your screen is at eye level by placing your laptop on a stack of books.


A lack of space means standing at your kitchen worktop squeezed in between the toaster and kettle. Naturally, a worktop doesn’t offer the comfiest work station and your spine soon finds itself curled over a keyboard for hours on end. You might even start placing all your weight on one leg, causing an imbalance in your spine.

Top tip: Ensure that both feet are flat on the floor at any given time and that you focus on standing up straight.


Whether through choice, or lack of space, classic traits of a Pacer involve wandering from room to room, carrying the laptop in one arm and often, a phone in the other. It’s a case of working wherever there’s space, even if it’s crossed legged on the floor which has a tendency to put your back into a slumped position.

Top tip: Walking around is better than sitting but make sure you use a couple of cushions when you sit on the floor and try to keep your screen as close as possible to eye level.

Your back is one of the most important parts of your body, linking major muscles and connecting your hips, bottom, chest, shoulder, and neck. Unfortunately, it is also often one of the most neglected. Love your back and check out www.mindyourbackuk.com for more advice on how to give your back the care it needs.

Get more tips on keeping your back healthy here.

* Global Prospectus; 1000 consumers questioned; Autumn 2021